Bicycle Safety Guide and Countermeasure Selection System
Prepared for the Federal Highway Administration, Office of Safety
(FHWA COTR: Tamara Redmon)
By the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center,
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. and Toole Design Group
Primary Authors:
Carl Sundstrom and Dan Nabors
Contributing Authors:
Michael Hintze, Bill Schultheiss, Peter Lagerwey, and Kristen Langford
September 2014
BIKESAFE 2014 is an update and expansion of the May 2006 edition of BIKESAFE, which was authored by William W. Hunter, Libby Thomas, and Jane C. Stutts, and published as report number FHWA-SA-05-006.
Other contributors to BIKESAFE 2014 include Jill Mead who assisted with writing and coordination of the 37 BIKESAFE case studies. Jill Mead, Ann McGrane, and Charlie Zegeer were the authors of the Bicycle Safety Literature review, which is linked to the various countermeasures in BIKESAFE 2014. Bryan Poole, Max Bushell, and Charlie Zegeer authored the resource on countermeasure costs for pedestrian- and bicycle-related infrastructure, which is also included in BIKESAFE 2014.
Jonathon Weisenfeld and Graham Russell were responsible for the web design and Richard Lytle was the programmer for the online guide and expert system tool.
Gabe Rousseau, Kevin Dunn, and Bruce Friedman of FHWA; William DeSantis and Chris DeWitt of VHB; and Gina Coffman, Kristen Lohse, Tina Fink, Jennifer Toole, Lauren Kauffman, Katie Mencarini, and Jessica Mortell of Toole Design Group also provided technical comments and input to various sections of BIKESAFE.
We also appreciate the BIKESAFE Working Group, which gave valuable comments and suggestions on the BIKESAFE content and expert system tool.
Members of this working group included:
Charles Carmalt
City of Philadelphia, PA
Dirk Gowin
City of Louisville, KY
Sheree Davis
New Jersey DOT
Jim Sebastian
District of Columbia DOT