A total of 46 engineering, education, and enforcement countermeasures are discussed in this chapter. The treatments and programs selected for inclusion are those that have been in place for an extended period of time and/or have proven effective. New countermeasures continue to be developed, implemented, and evaluated. Thus, practitioners should not necessarily limit their choices to those included here; this material is a starting point.
The cost estimates provided for each countermeasure are only preliminary estimates. While the costs provided here include furnishing and installation, costs can vary widely based on numerous factors, including: road conditions, quantity, materials, size and location of state and/or municipality, time of year, design costs, and inflation. Costs were compiled by reviewing bid sheets from 40 states for the years 2010-2012, and from targeted searches for the price of specific countermeasures. A countermeasure cost database for bicycle (and pedestrian) treatments can be found at
The effectiveness of each of the following countermeasures on bicycle crashes and safety has been documented in a separate report, entitled "Evaluation of Bicycle-Related Roadway Measures: A Summary of Available Research."
Shared Roadway
Countermeasures include:
On-Road Bike Facilities
Countermeasures include:
Intersection Treatments
Countermeasures include:
Countermeasures include:Traffic Calming
Countermeasures include:
Trails and Shared-Use Paths
Countermeasures include:Markings, Signs, Signals
Countermeasures include:
Other Measures
Countermeasures include: