Bicycle Safety Resources for Design and Analysis
The Bikeability Checklist can quickly identify some of the more obvious deficiencies in your neighborhood or community.
The Bicycle Road Safety Audit Guidelines and prompt lists provide transportation agencies with a better understanding of the safety of cyclists in the transportation system.
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities, 4th Edition (2012), is a comprehensive document for information about facilities. The AASHTO website is:
For urban areas, the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) has developed the Urban Bikeway Design Guide to provide a resource of state-of-the-art bicycle facility design.
The Bicycle Compatibility Index (BCI) is a tool that can be used by bicycle coordinators, transportation planners, traffic engineers, and others to evaluate the capability of specific roadways to accommodate both motorists and bicyclists.
Information on the Bicycle Level of Service (BLOS) can be found in the 2010 Highway Capacity Manual:
The Model Street Design Manual is a free and customizable manual that focuses on all users and all modes, seeking to achieve balanced street design that accommodates cars while ensuring that pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users can travel safely and comfortably.
Other Bicycle Safety Resources
Government Programs and Initiatives
FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
FHWA Bicycle Safety
Pedestrian/Bicyclist Crash Analysis Tool (PBCAT)
NHTSA Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS)
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC)
Guides and Reports
National Bicycling and Walking Study Fifteen Year Status Report, May 2010 (PDF, 1.42 MB)
National Survey of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Attitudes and Behaviors, 2002
NHTSA Traffic Safety Facts 2012 – Bicyclists and other Cyclists (PDF, 718 MB)
Rails-with-Trails: Lessons Learned, August 2002
Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), May 2012
ITE Recommended Practices on Accommodating Pedestrians and Bicyclists at Interchanges, April 2014
ITE Report on Separated Bikeways, March 2013
Benchmarking Report: Bicycling and Walking in the United States, 2014
Local Resources and Examples
Many cities have adopted plans, procedures, and programs to ensure that bicycle improvements become a routine activity of new development projects, reconstruction work, and retrofits. Comprehensive information about state and local plans, policies, case studies, and other information can found in this database of state resources. Listed below are just a few examples of agencies with exemplary programs and plans:
Colorado Statewide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (PDF, 2.47 MB)
Evaluation of the Automated Red Light Enforcement (ARLE) Program in Pennsylvania (PDF, 4.5 MB)
Florida Department of Transportation Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program
New Jersey Complete Streets Training Curriculum (PPTX, 74.5 MB)
North Carolina Statewide Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan
Oregon DOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
Virginia DOT Traffic Calming Guide (PDF, 237 KB)
Boston Complete Streets Program
Boulder, CO, Bicycling Program
Cambridge, MA, Getting Around by Bike
Charlotte, NC, Urban Street Design Guidelines
Chicago Bicycling Program
Eugene, OR, Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan
Minneapolis Bicycling Program
Portland, OR, Bureau of Transportation Bicycle Program
Philadelphia Pedestrian and Bicycle Plan (PDF, 15.5 MB)
San Diego Regional Bicycle Plan
Other Local Resources
Alliance for Biking and Walking
League of American Bicyclists
People for Bikes